Friday, June 7, 2013

National Doughnut Day

Happy National Doughnut Day!  Did you take advantage of a free donut at either Krispy Kreme or Dunkin?  There's a Dunkin Donuts right near my house, so I stopped by this morning for coffee and a breakfast.

I'm always confused about how to spell "doughnut."  I usually spell it that way, but "donut" has far fewer letters.

Today, I have a few random thoughts for you.  I originally typed up this post on Monday but never got around to posting it!  Therefore, here is a random collection of thoughts from throughout the week.

Sunday, I completed my first long run of my half marathon training!  I had to complete 4 miles in the muggy Florida weather.

I was keeping an eye on my pace and made sure I didn't start out too fast.  As you can see, I did pretty well!  This was the longest distance I've run since the Disney Princess half marathon in February, and to do it in under a 10-minute pace was exciting for me.  I'm going to attribute my success to the Flo Rida Pandora station I was listening to.  GREAT beats/tempo for a steady running pace!

On Monday, I completed an at-home body weight total body tabata workout!  Tina from Best Body Fitness put together an eBook of 50 workouts for the summer Best Body Bootcamp participants (there's still time to sign up for that round, by the way!), which is where I found that workout.  It took 30 minutes and I was feeling the burn!

Since then, no exercise has happened :(  The end of school has turned my mind into a just-want-to-sit-around-in-pajamas-and-nap mentality, which I need to shake ASAP!  This half marathon is not going to train for itself!

Amanda at Run to the Finish is hosting the Clean and Lean Challenge during the month of June, and I've decided to participate!  The goal of the challenge is to focusing on cleaning up our eating in a way that's best for us, as well as strengthen the core muscles.

Amanda is sending out daily e-mails with tips on clean eating.  She is also giving us lots of resources to help us develop a clean eating plan for ourselves.

One of the biggest tips I've received so far from this challenge is to make clean eating choices that are easy for you!  I've talked before about meal planning and food prep before, so I've done those things while focusing on some of the tenants of clean eating.

I think I've been doing pretty well so far this week on increasing the amount of clean eating I'm doing.  One example is how I celebrated my birthday yesterday!

I went over to my friend Nicole Marie's house for some birthday champagne and movies (we planned a beach day, but Tropical Storm Andrea had other plans for us).  We decided to add rose water, strawberries, and blueberries to our bubbly for a fresh summer taste.  It was a great way to incorporate fruits into our alcohol consumption.

Stay tuned for more updates on my progress in the challenge, as well as what I've learned about clean eating throughout the month.

Question for you: What are your favorite songs to run to?  What are some ways that you eat clean?

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