Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

Hey y'all!  I was just about to say "Happy Tuesday" when I realized that today is actually Wednesday.  This short week is flying by for me, when normally they seem to drag on!

Since it feels like a Tuesday, let's just pretend that it is and jump right in to the pregnancy update!

Side note: I feel like it was just yesterday I told y'all I was pregnant!  How is it that there are only 6 weeks until my due date!?  The time is just flying by!
Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks (and 3 days)

Baby Bump progress: I normally take these pictures on Sunday, but this was taken yesterday:

Baby's Size? a butternut squash! About 5 pounds and 17-18 inches long

What's happening this week?  
  • Baby Fish can react to and recognize songs--I'm sure there are plenty, as I've been known to sing along to the radio quite often!
  • Baby Fish is urinating about a pint a day (good to know for diaper changes!)
  • May begin to descend lower in the uterus to prepare for birth!

Total weight gain/loss: As of two weeks ago, 21.4 pounds total.  I go back to the doctor today, so I'll know an updated number for sure!

Stretch marks? no new ones!  The ones on my chest have faded a bit (thank goodness!), and I've been much more regular with my cocoa butter application.

Sleep: I slept TERRIBLY on Monday night thanks to some nasty acid reflux, but other than that, sleep has been good.  I've been waking up a few times each night, but I'm always able to go back to sleep relatively quickly.  Tequila is also a great snuggle buddy and loves to curl up right next to my belly.  She must know her little brother/sister is in there!

Best moment this week: Spending Valentine's weekend with Joe!
We went up to south Georgia to visit his grandparents and had a very low-key weekend.  We even got an extra day away thanks to President's Day!  For Valentine's Day, we went to Waffle House for a candlelight dinner and some good ole diner food!
They really did it up in there--they put colored plastic over the lights to dim them, had non-alcoholic wine to drink, took our picture and were going to print it out to mail to us, and even had a 4-course Valentine's menu to order from!  We stuck with their regular menu and had a good time.  Yummy!

Miss anything?: being comfortable for long periods of time in the car, alcohol, fitting in to my normal clothes (I REALLY need to get more maternity tops), breathing deeply/not getting winded so easily

Movement: This child moves all the time!  It's kind of fun to watch my stomach move all around, especially when I'm sitting down.  He/she responds when I lean something against my stomach by kicking at it, and if I put my hand over a limb that's kind of sticking out, it'll move it away.  It's kind of fun to play with him/her!

Food cravings: As normal, nothing specific.  I just have no portion control, but I'm working to get better on it.  I've wanted salt on ALL my food, but if I eat too much of it, my ankles swell.  No good.

Anything making you queasy or sick: On Monday night when I was dealing with my bad acid reflux, I thought I was going to be sick.  Luckily, though, I took some Tums and was able to sleep the rest of the night!

Gender: We'll find out when Baby Fish is born :)

Labor Signs: just some Braxton Hicks contractions maybe once a day(going to confirm this with the doctor today), but other than that none!

  • swollen ankles (not cute!)
  • Braxton Hicks contractions
  • some blurry vision (after looking at a screen for too long)
  • growing belly!  People are actually telling me I'm getting big now (never thought I'd be excited to hear that!)

Belly Button in or out? still in, but it's flattening out (and pretty weird!)

Wedding rings on or off? on!  They do get a little tight when I get really warm and toward the end of the day

Happy or Moody?: happy this week, except for while watching the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy!  Warning to the pregnant ladies (and anyone else, really) that has it DVRed: have a full box of tissues handy!!  It's a hard one to get through.

Funny moments this week: On Friday, my friend Kristie and I were texting back and forth almost all day.  It's kind of killing her that she doesn't know the gender of my baby (and finds out her baby's gender next week--she's due in July!), so we decided to put together a table of the old wive's tales about gender prediction to see what they said about each of us!
Well, as you can see, other than two of them (I didn't know if I was carrying high or low--my guess would have been high??), I am 50-50 on the gender!  So funny!  It was a pretty entertaining conversation, and I'm glad we got nowhere with trying to figure out Baby Fish's gender :)

Looking forward to: family/friends coming next weekend for another baby shower, meeting Baby Fish!

Exercise this week: really not much on the exercise front this week, but I did get in about 3 walks, including a lovely Sunday afternoon walk with Joe :).  I'm going to try to walk every day from here on out so that I at least get a little exercise in.  I'm also hoping to make it back to BodyPump, since I've had scheduling conflicts with it for about a month!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe your due date is almost here!!! It really does seem like you just announced your pregnancy!! My favorite thing about pregnancy so far has definitely been feeling all the movement, but I still can't figure out arms from legs from head yet. That seems like it'll be so much fun when I can!
