Monday, July 21, 2014

A Weekend Full of Kids + ZOOMA Training Week 8

Well, hey there, everyone!  It feels like FOREVER since I’ve been able to post, thanks to a little mess-up with our router.  I had posts planned for Thursday and Friday, but I wasn’t able to get online since Wednesday night in order to publish.  Thankfully, the cable guy was able to come on Sunday and exchange our router.  Plus side: I guess I’m all set to go with posts for this week :) 

As usual on Mondays, let’s look at the weekend!  It was definitely a good one filled with lots of kids!!

Joe and I drove up to St. Augustine to see our friends Jacqui and Andrew from Georgia!  They were down on family vacation, so we spent the day on the beach with them, their two adorable boys, and Jacqui’s awesome parents and brother.
We brought Tequila along, and I was really excited to see how’d she’d do with her first beach visit.
As you can see, she was loving it!  She really enjoyed the sand, had a great time digging, and came around to going in the ocean.  
The waves scared her at first (at one point she put her leash in her mouth and started pulling ME back onto the shore), but she started actually wanting to go in to the water by the end of the day.
It was awesome to catch up with Jacqui and Andrew while on the beach, as well as meet their newborn Matt.  He’s just under 5 months old and is quite the precious little thing!  He spent a lot of the day on the beach sleeping, but we did get some time to play with him before dinner.
The fun continued by eating dinner with everyone at Sunset Grille.  The food there is delicious, so I suggest you try it out if you’re ever in St. Augustine!  At one point, Jacqui and Andrew’s almost-4-year-old Danny started becoming very fond of me!  He even came and sat between Jacqui and me at dinner and ran up to hold my hand when we were walking to the car after dinner.
Too cute!!  Joe and I drove back after a short walk on the beach, where we let Tequila chase Jacqui’s brother Charlie around in the sand.  So much fun!

Saturday began perfectly in my eyes: with a good book and a cup of coffee.
I started this book last Monday, and I’m almost finished with it!  It’s really funny!  I have a post planned for multiple book reviews, so look for that if you want to hear more about this book!

Joe had a prospective student event at school he had to go to, so after reading, I got some “free lance” work done (all math and teaching related, but it’s outside of my school district).  I also wound up heading to Starbucks for some internet, lunch, and more coffee.  I also tried one of their new Fizzios (basically soda), and it was really tasty!

When I got home, Joe was there, so we spent some time at the pool next door before I had to head out to babysit!  A friend of ours who left the area gave my name to this family that she babysat for, and so on Saturday night, I went over and watched the two boys: a 4-year-old and an almost-2-year-old. 

We had a good time playing outside (they had a Little Tike trampoline that looked like a lot of fun!), colored, and playing tag.  Once they went to bed, I did some reading and watched Modern Family on hulu on their TV.  It was a fun time with the kids, and I made good money, too!  Good times!

Another lazy morning, but this time I got to cuddle with the puppy.
 I wound up having to stay home in the morning so that the cable guy could come fix the internet, so I used the time to get some cleaning done.  My mom is coming to visit, so the house needs to be in tip-top shape!

I attempted to go on a long run in the evening, but the weather wasn't really cooperative.  I was able to get in just over 3 miles, but I was supposed to do 8.  No bueno, considering the ZOOMA Chicago Half Marathon is just 13 days away!
Our Sunday evening was spent watching the WWE Pay-per-view at a friend's house.  It seems like we were just over there watching one, and there's another one next month!  I wound up winning out $1 bet pool on the matches, so I felt pretty good about myself :)

Pretty fun weekend!  Lots of kids this weekend, lots of reading/relaxing, and lots of fun.

ZOOMA Training Week 8
I continued my write-my-workouts-in-my-planner strategy, and it seemed to work out (pun intended) for me again this week!
Monday-2.8 mile run around the neighborhood
Tuesday-Bikram yoga
Wednesday-3 mile speedwork run on the treadmill + BodyPump

Thursday-Bikram yoga
Friday-planned rest day, but we went on many walks while on the beach in St. Augustine
Saturday-unplanned rest day/lazy day
Sunday-3.43 mile run (instead of the 8 miles scheduled)

Overall, not a bad week of training, minus the lack of a long run.  This coming week, I'm going to be "tapering" a little, which means a 5-6 mile "long run" this coming weekend.  I will, once again, schedule my workouts in my planner.  This will be especially important because my mom will be coming to visit this week, which means not too much time to get in a workout.  We'll see how it goes!

Question for you: Do you have a lot of interaction with kids (your own, nieces/nephews, babysitting, friend's kids)?  What did you do this weekend?

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