Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favorites 7/11

Oh gosh, y'all.  So sorry for my absence all week!  Getting in to the summer school routine has been a lot harder than I anticipated!  Between preparing for summer school, chores at home, and relaxing time, the blog has taken the back burner.  BUT I have Fridays off (score!!), so I should be able to get some blog work done this weekend so this doesn't happen again next week!

Let me update y'all on life by talking about some of my favorite things from this week!

Favorite To-Go Breakfast

Dunkin' Donuts is RIGHT by my house and on my way to work, so I've stopped by twice this week for some breakfast.  I LOVE the egg white veggie flat!  I feel like it's a great alternative to going to McDonald's and getting a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit, and it's tasty, too!

Favorite Way to Motivate Myself
I mentioned on Monday that I wrote my workouts in my planner this week, and after doing so, I have followed through on EVERYTHING I wrote down!  I'm definitely going to keep doing this in the future and hope that it helps me stay on track with my workouts.

Favorite New Running Gear

I got my first Sparkle Skirt this week!!  I purchased three total for costumes for upcoming races, and I can't wait to wear them all!  I went on a run this week in Empowerment (the multi-colored zebra looking one) and it is SO, SO comfortable.
The shorts underneath also have huge pockets AND they don't ride up at all when running.  Tequila was jealous she didn't have one to wear (well, probably not, but we can pretend :))!

Favorite Picture of Tequila from This Week

Isn't she just adorable?  I love her more and more each day, despite the fact that she has now chewed through two of my bras and my favorite pair of white shorts...  At least she's pretty!

Favorite Way to Move
Joe and I wound up going to Latin Night at a local bar last night.  One of our friends, Josh, is Latino and he convinced to go dancing.  While Joe is not much of a Latin dancer, he did get out on the dance floor with me and tried some moves!  Josh also taught him the basic salsa and taught me the bachata dance steps.  It was a lot of fun!

Favorite Activity Planned for this Weekend
Image Source
Scallop season is upon us, and Joe and I are (hopefully) going scalloping this weekend!!  The last time we went was two years ago, and I'm so excited!  Basically, scalloping is a snorkeling Easter egg hunt.  You swim around looking for scallops (pictured above), dive down to grab them when you see them, keep them in a mesh bag while you find others, then get back in the boat and move to a new area.  It's a blast!

Well, that about does it for me!  We should have a good weekend of scalloping (crossing my fingers it works out!), potentially visiting some friends in St. Augustine, and a 10K race!  I hope y'all have a great weekend!  Back at ya on Monday :)

Question for you: What are some of your favorite things from this week?  Have you ever been Latin dancing or scalloping?


  1. What do you do with the scallops after you pick them up? Eat them? Keep them because they are pretty?? Clearly I'm not a beach gal! haha

    1. You take them home and eat them :) While you're out on the boat, you open them up and take the meat out. The shells aren't really that pretty, so we just threw them back in the water!
