Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Baby Fish: 4 Month Update

Being behind on blogging means I'm behind on Baby Fish updates!  She actually turned 5 months old on Monday, but I've had her 4-month post ready for a while.  For my sake, I'm going to publish it today.  I want to be able to read these back someday, and missing a month would just be a shame!

So, without further ado, let's look at how Baby Fish handled her 4th month of life!
Baby Fish's 4th month of life was another jam-packed month.  We started on vacation with my family,
to enjoying our last few days with me as a stay-at-home mom,
to starting day care,
and adjusting to me going back to work.
She is such a happy, go-with-the-flow, outgoing baby that we are so so blessed with!!
Height: 25.75 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 15.2 pounds (75th percentile)

Eating is still going well for Baby Fish!  She is still being breast fed, but also drinks bottles of breast milk while at day care.
I was so nervous about her eating at day care, since we hadn't gotten her to take more than 2 ounces from a bottle before taking her.  I knew that she would eventually drink out of one when she was hungry enough, and now she sucks them down!
We also do rice cereal once every three days and have gotten the go-ahead for stage 1 baby food at her 4-month appointment!

She takes the rice cereal much better than before.  She actually sucks on the spoon rather than having to dump it in her mouth, so hopefully the same will happen soon with the baby food.

She is still a pro-sleeper!  She sleeps through the night, and we actually have to wake her up to get her ready for day care during the week!
She does not take very long naps at day care, which means that she takes about an hour nap in the early evening and is ready for bed early.
It makes me sad that we don't get to hang out with her as long, but it has led to her falling asleep on me more, which I love!

She finally enjoys tummy time!
She is able to roll to her tummy now, and I think this independent little girl likes that much better than being turned on her tummy!  
She is starting to reach for toys, and she has so much fun while on the play mat.  She's also started grabbing her feet like the "happy baby" yoga pose!
She's still such a fun little girl, and we have a great time playing with her!

Baby Fish Likes:
-Putting her hands/everything in her mouth
-Tummy time
-Day care
-Snuggling after day care
-Watching TV with daddy
-Napping in bed with us
-Trying to do things herself
-Looking around

Baby Fish Doesn't Like:
-Having a dirty diaper while on her tummy
-Being held in one way for too long
-Being "forced" to do something
-Being tired
-Eating a bottle while I'm around 

Baby girl, you are so much fun and have made me going back to work both really hard and really easy.  I miss hanging out with you all day every day, but you having an easy time adjusting has made it easier for me, too.  Daddy and I love you more and more each day, as if we ever thought that was possible!
Previous updates:
3 Months
2 Months
1 Month

I'll be sharing her 5 month update next week on the blog!  Thanks for letting me share this with you.  If you can't tell, I love this little girl and love to talk about her :)

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