Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Richmond Weekend Recap

Well, hey y'all!  Joe and I took a long weekend this weekend, so the blog did, too!  Since there's so much to talk about, let's just get right to it!

We woke up SUPER early (like, 3:45 am early) to catch our flight up to Richmond.  We were both super nervous about flying with Baby Fish, but she did fantastic on both flights.
Tip for moms: I've heard to have your baby/child suck on something during takeoff/landing to help their ears.  I fed Baby Fish during takeoff, and then she just slept the rest of the flight!
Good stuff!  My mom picked us up at the airport, then we just hung around at the house for the rest of the morning/afternoon.  All of us napped, and my mom really enjoyed the time with her granddaughter.

The big thing on the agenda for day was meeting up with my brother, sister-in-law, cousin, and his girlfriend for dinner.  We ate at O'Charley's (delicious bread!), and it was a great time!  So much fun that I forgot to take pictures.  Afterward, we went over to my brother and sister-in-law's apartment to hang out.  It was a pretty fun day!

Saturday morning started out at a slow pace, but it picked up very quickly!  My extended family arrived in the late morning for a baby shower.
My aunt Melody and uncle David arrived first, and then all three of my grandparents arrived shortly after (my dad drove to pick them up the day before).  We caught up briefly before the guys left for lunch and some bonding time.
Next up, it was shower time!  My mom, my next-door neighbor/"adopted" grandmother, and my aunt all helped put on the shower.  The decorations were super cute!
The cake was my next-door neighbor's delicious fudge cake!  I was so, so happy that she made this because it is SO GOOD.
Once everyone arrived, we ate lunch while socializing.  Then, it was time for gift opening.
Let me tell you, my friends and family were SUPER generous!  Baby Fish was just so spoiled with lots and lots of clothes from everyone (plus some books!).
We got so many cloths that, even though I packed lightly, we had to leave about a third of the gifts we received for my parents to bring us this summer when we go to the beach!

Baby Fish was napping during the shower, but one of the goals was for everyone to meet her.  So, after opening gifts, my mom woke her up to show her off!
Everyone took turns holding her, and she really did well with being passed around so much!  We took a few group pictures, though I don't have copies of all of them.
My mom took a lot of pictures, and I'll update this post when I have more of them!  Overall, it was a super fun day, and I'm so thankful to everyone who came.  Baby Fish is going to be the cutest little baby girl in all the clothes she got!

Oh, I forgot to mention that Saturday was also my birthday!  After the shower, Joe brought me some flowers with a really sweet card.
Then, we had my birthday dinner!  My grandmother made me my favorite cake of hers, so there was singing and candle-blowing-out, as well.  I also opened some birthday gifts afterward, which was so nice of everyone to give me TWO gifts that day.  Before we called it a day, we took some more family pictures.
There certainly was a lot to celebrate on Saturday!  As I posted on Instagram, you know you're a mom when you're totally happy to be celebrating your daughter more than yourself on your birthday.  Good times!

We got up Sunday morning for breakfast (my mom made a yummy breakfast casserole) before heading to church.  What's really cool is that we also got to see my brother play drums in the praise band!  After church, we went to eat lunch with everyone before they had to go home.
Fun fact: the dress Baby Fish wore to church was actually one of mine from when I was a baby!
In the afternoon, Mom, Joe, and I headed to the pool for Baby Fish's pool time!
You can see that she was really enjoying herself.
Mom tried to dip her feet in the water.  At first, she screamed, but then she got used to it!

After the pool, my parents, Joe, my brother, and I went to the park for a picnic dinner.
We picked up food from Cook Out (yummmmmy) and enjoyed our time outside!
Baby Fish slept while we were at the park, so that was fun.  We left the park and just spent the rest of the evening enjoying each others' company.  It was a pretty relaxing day!

Oh, and Baby Fish turned 2 months old on Sunday, too!  I'll do a 2 month update on her later this week :)

Time to head back home!  Once again, we were nervous to fly, but Baby Fish was a champ!  She just ate and slept the whole time.
Her cuddling with me was pretty awesome :)  The only bad thing that Baby Fish did on the flights was leak through her diapers and ruin her outfits both days.  Oops!  Guess we should have done diaper changes more frequently!

After we got home, we picked up Tequila from Joe's cousin and just got things back together at the house.  I also go in a strength workout for the first time since about week 30 of my pregnancy!  More on that later this week :)

So, we had a jam-packed but great weekend this weekend.  I'm so happy we got to see so many family members these past two weekends.  Baby Fish is loving it!

Question for you:  What did you do this weekend?  When was the last time you saw your extended family?

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