Tuesday, January 15, 2013

From Monday: Strength Workout + Devotional book

Another post I started and never finished!  My computer started acting up, and I had some food prep to do for tonight's dinner, so I gave up.  Here's what I wanted to share with you yesterday:

Today's (Monday's) Training
It's Week 2 of Best Body Bootcamp, and today's workout was a strength workout focusing on slow, controlled movements.  I can't share the exercises with you (you have to sign up for BBB to get that), but I will say that each movement had a hold count.  2 counts contract, hold for one, 6 counts relax was the pattern, and I found it easier to actually do the longer counts when relaxing the muscles as opposed to during contraction last week.

The workout was made easy as I was watching the first hour of the Bachelor in the gym :)  Up tomorrow: Cardio Intervals on the treadmill!

Faith Find
One of Joe and my Christmas presents from his grandmother and grandfather was this devotional book
I was really excited about getting this, because I love to mark in books (especially books about faith).  It's a great substitute for my online devotions I was doing.  I was also excited about getting this because both Joe and I can read the day's devotion and then discuss.  I really liked today's devotion:
You can't read it, but that's probably good because of copyright laws :)
It talked about how when we are mean to someone, we remember every gory detail.  But, when we really make a difference to someone, we can't really get the specifics down.  The challenge was to make compassion and kindness for others the norm rather than a surprise.

It's very true that in our world, it seems like "bad stuff" is normal, and we are so taken aback by the "good stuff."  Let's all try and be kind to one another instead of trying to hurt others, and maybe one day we can make the "good stuff" the norm.

Back tomorrow (actually, later today) with a Crock Pot recipe!  I'm going to participate in PBFingers' Crock Pot Challenge and try 10 new slow cooker recipes before March 3rd.  I will, of course, share those with y'all as I make them, as well as summarize the whole challenge closer to the end.

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