Sunday, September 23, 2012

Salad add-ins + Circuit + Time

Back on track today in multiple ways!

Diet Tip of the Day: I made a salad today for lunch after not having one for about a week.  In addition to the usual veggies, I decided to add some turkey bacon and shredded cheddar cheese for some protein and diary.  It's amazing the impact these two additions had on the taste!  Lunch was quite satisfying to the taste buds, and the bacon made it more filling.  Eating healthy doesn't have to taste bland!

Today's Training: Here's the workout I did today, which is a version of this workout I found on Pinterest
I was supposed to run 3.5 miles today, so I did this workout 6 times through, then ran another 0.5 miles at the end.  Oh boy, was I sweating at the end!  I felt awesome afterward, though, and I'm really proud of myself for making up some strength training time while sticking to my running schedule.

Faith Find:  My morning coffee/reading time consisted of reading the chapters about Time in the book Weird I mentioned in the last post.  One of the chapters talked about resting, which we NEVER do in our culture!  I started thinking about that, and was incredibly convicted by the fact that I do work for school every day of the week, even after bringing stuff home during the week.  I'm also consumed with chores around the apartment and catching up on things I "miss" on Facebook/the internet when I'm at school.  I don't use my time off for what matters, which is time with God, serving others, and  time with people I love.  It defines idolatry as "a setting of the whole heart on something besides God" when Matthew 11:28-30 says to come to Jesus and find rest in Him.  After reading this chapter, I made a commitment to pick one day each weekend (ideally, it'd be Sunday) where I do no school work, minimal chores (just cleaning up after meals, cooking, etc.), and focus on resting in God.  The sermon at church today also tied in to this idea of "being weird" and doing things that God says are important vs. what the world says is important.  I know that God is speaking to me, and I am praying every day that I can be focused on pleasing God rather than pleasing others.

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