Sunday, February 10, 2013

Best Body Bootcamp Week 5 Recap

Time to recap Week 5 of Tina Reale's Best Body Bootcamp!  This program is over halfway over, but that's ok because another round of it will start April 1st.  I'll let you know when sign-ups begin.

I got in 5 days of activity, with most of the days focusing on strength training.  The strength workouts were pyramid sets, and I loved it!  Even though the number of reps decreased each set, I still got a great workout!  I also did a little bit of cardio this week as a warm-up, and luckily my heel is feeling better!

New goals for this week and next, which I'll share them with you in next week's recap.  I did well with Goal #1, meeting it 5/7 days.  It's one that can easily be completed 7/7 days, so that's what I'm trying for this week.

Goal #2 was only completed 3/7 days.  But, I will say that's an improvement for me.  I want to go for 5/7 days this time!

Highlight of the Week
Getting to run again yesterday!  It was only two miles, but it was all I was able to do this.  And, it was pain free!  I do think that some time to heal and some new shoes will help my heel be all better.  At least, I hope so, since my half marathon is 2 weeks from today.

Goal for Next Week
-Complete three strength workouts and at least two short runs and one semi-long one.
-Meet Goal #1 7/7 days and Goal #2 5/7 days.
-Keep my heel feelin' good!

Time for me to rest up in preparation for the week!  See y'all tomorrow with another crock pot recipe and some thoughts about priorities.

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