Sunday, August 4, 2013

BBB6 Week 7 Recap

Hey y'all!  How has your weekend been?

Joe and I had a very fun Friday night, which led to a slow-moving Saturday :-x  But, we still enjoyed each other company laying around and catching up on our DVR'd stuff.
Minor league baseball game on Friday.  Joe cheering loud and proud!
Today, we got to see one of our friends from Georgia.  Jake and his dad were on their way home from West Palm Beach, and we got lunch with them and caught up.  It was a great time!  Now Joe is hitting the books and I'm preparing for my week of helping with orientation at school, a professional development workshop, then traveling up to DC for Valerie's wedding!

Since you know what's going on this next week, let's talk about this past week of Best Body Bootcamp!
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We're in Week 7, which means that next week is the last week.  I really love the workouts that Tina creates, as well as the built-in accountability and rewards factor for completing 5 days of workouts/meeting health-related goals in a week.  Hopefully there will be a new round of BBB that starts up soon after!

Monday-rest day
Tuesday-4 mile run.  I was listening to a new playlist, which made this run seem to fly by!
Wednesday-2 mile run + Workout A of BBB. This is the power phase, and the workouts are in circuit form.  Workout A featured 3 strength exercises, 2 cardio-focused power exercises, and 1 core exercise. I really enjoyed the workout, and it was so easy to do at home!
Thursday-75 minute yoga class at the gym.  It really helped stretch out my muscles!
Friday-4.17 mile run with a run 7.5 mins/walk 1 min pattern.  I also did some core work for Sneakers and Fingerpaints' August Core Focus Challenge (you can still sign up if you're interested!).
Floor Marching in my running skirt :)
Saturday-sick rest day
Sunday-Once again, planning on a long run if these storms will ever stop!  If not, I'm going to do Workout B and get the long run in tomorrow.

Highlight of the Week
I actually listened to my body during my workouts this week, and I can see the benefits of doing so!  A few examples:
  • On Wednesday, after my 2-mile run outside, I was so hot and sweaty and didn't want to do Workout A at my neighbor's outdoor gym.  Instead, I grabbed some weights from her house and completed the workout inside with the AC and a ceiling fan blasting.  Perfect!  (I, of course, promptly returned the weights afterward! :) )
  • Thursday, I'd planned on running but knew my legs couldn't handle it.  Yoga was the perfect workout as a substitute!  It really made my legs feel so much better afterward, and I think it would be a great addition to my weekly workouts.
  • On Friday, I ran at 11 am on a route with minimal shade.  Instead of pushing myself too far, I decided to walk for a minute after running for 7.5 minutes.  This pattern kept me going the entire way, and I didn't feel incredibly worn out at the end.  
I definitely think that everyone should listen to their body and work out at a level that is good for you.  You know your performance level, so don't try to overdo it just because another person can run longer, lift more weight, or exercise more days in a row than you.

I met both of my goals 5/7 days this week.  My first goal was to eat 2+ servings of fruit each day, and my second goal was flossing at bedtime.  Neither goal particularly excites me, which leads me to believe that I need to pick new goals for this week!

Question for you: Any suggestions for healthy goals I should aim for this week?  What was your workout highlight of the week?

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