Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Rock + Squeezed-in Workouts

Hey everyone!  How has your week started off?  My week has been pretty good so far, other than all the grading and planning that I have to catch up on.  Spring Break is next week, and my exhaustion is catching up to me.  Only 2 more days!

On to the usual stuff...

**Disclaimer: Today's "Faith" section is very strongly rooted in the basis of Christianity.  I respect any and all belief systems and realize that you may not agree with my Faith Find.  However, this is what I believe, and I wanted to share it on the blog.**

It seems that every Sunday that I make it to church, the pastor always has one line that hits me like a ton of bricks.  Two weeks ago, he got me with "The solid way is not what we see, but what we believe."  This week, he got me with this:

"The only one who could throw a stone became our rock instead."

This quote references John 8:1-8, the story of the woman brought before Jesus caught in the act of adultry.  The people say that she needs to be stoned according to law and ask Jesus what they should do.  Jesus begins writing in the sand (no one knows what he was writing), and then says that whoever is without sin can cast the first stone.  The crowd leaves, as they know they are all sinners.  Then Jesus, the only one who is without sin, dismisses the woman and instructs her to sin no more.

Wow.  How powerful is that?  Jesus COULD stone us.  He COULD condemn us of our sins.  Instead, he died so that our sins can be forgiven.  Instead of stoning us, He becomes the rock of our salvation.
What a great thing to think about and be thankful for.

After skipping the gym on Monday, I've done pretty good job of fitting in workouts even after long days at work.

Yesterday, I taught all day, then had a meeting from 4:30-7:30, but I managed to swing by the Y for a 30-minute upper body workout.

Amanda at Run to the Finish created this workout for the Spring Bootie Buster Challenge.  It was the perfect workout for the time that I was able to spend at the gym.

Today, I came straight home because of how exhausted I was.  After a cup of coffee, I was ready for a workout.  My gym had a BodyPump class at 5:30 today and I made it just in time!
I've previously attended BodyPump at the Y, but this class was taught by a different instructor.  She seemed to be very experienced and had great energy during the class.  I had a great time, pushed myself with the weights, and got in a great workout!  The bicep track was to "Cowboy Cassanova" by Carrie Underwood and was my favorite track of the day.  I'm so glad I went back to the gym!

After so many problems this week with heading to the gym right after school, I'm started to think more and more about working out before school.  As much as I would hate waking up before 5am, I think that I would actually get my workouts in when I schedule them.  Monica posted about morning workouts earlier this week, which seems to me like a sign that I should try it!  I may do so when I get back from Spring Break...but we'll see :)


  1. I LOVE your faith section! SO perfect with Easter coming up -- I know this is always used for Christmas, but the phrase "Reason for the Season" applies here too!

    1. What's funny is I was just thinking about how the "reason for the season" applies to Easter, too! Easter is so much more than bunnies, eggs, and candy.

  2. That phrase your pastor used is awesome! I'm going to remember that.

    I get up early in the morning to workout. I have such a hard time getting it in after work if I try for that. It's quite the adjustment at first, but then your body gets used to it and you get to the point where you wake up super-early even when you don't have to! For me, the trick was going to bed early so you don't lose any sleep. That is hard at first - you feel silly getting ready for bed at like 9:00 or 9:30 pm, but again, you get used to it. I have never regretted a morning workout! :)

    Love your blog, by the way!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! I know that if I just do it, I will get used to it. The idea of getting up and going to bed so early is intimidating, though!
