Monday, July 8, 2013

Anti-Laziness Project: Summer Edition

Lately, I'm sure you've noticed my trend of getting lazy in all aspects of my life.  I find that when I don't have much going on in terms of a schedule, laziness is my go-to "activity" for the day.  This summer break is no different, especially when Joe was out of town last week.
Pretty much me the last few days (with a TV on in the background)
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I posted about an Anti-laziness Project I was starting for myself during the school year.  I did pretty well of getting things done both at school and at home before sitting down on the couch, but that just isn't happening when I don't have anything to do during the day.

So, I've decided to set some goals for the rest of the summer.  I'm hoping that developing these habits over the summer will help me stay in the groove when the school year rolls around.  I've created goals in the Food, Fitness, Faith, and Other categories, and here they are:

  1. Continue creating a weekly meal plan and shopping according to what we need for those meals.
  2. Keep junk food out of the house to prevent "bored eating."

  1. Work out as early in the day as possible (so that the workout actually happens!).
  2. Stick to my half marathon training plan.
  3. Stop being lazy and STRETCH/foam roll to reduce/prevent injuries.

  1. Complete Bible Study homework and/or read my devotional for the day while eating breakfast.
  2. Increase confession and thanksgiving in my prayers.
  3. Go to church each Sunday.  Yes, my laziness has even kept me from getting out of bed on Sunday mornings!
  4. Try out the Young Adult small group at church with Joe (it's already on our meal plan for this week--they meet at Panera on Wednesdays!)


  1. Reduce daily clutter throughout the house.
  2. Make a chore-a-day chart and stick to it.
  3. Make sure everything is clean and put away (namely, dishes) before going to bed.
  4. Floss teeth every night.
  5. Complete one project each day, whether it's a special chore, a craft, reading something for school, or an errand to take care of.
  6. Do some work on the blog :) I have some big ideas for some big changes!  Stay tuned!
Hopefully sharing these goals with you will keep me accountable.  Feel free to e-mail me and ask periodically how I'm doing with my anti-laziness or any of these goals in general :)  I'm also sharing these goals with Joe, who is always very good at keeping me accountable!

Question for you: What's one goal that you have for this summer?

I've already got a volunteering project lined up for tomorrow morning, with plans for a workout beforehand :)  See ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to not be lazy after work, but the chore a day thing would be good for me :)
