Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Treadmill Tuesday

Today's Training
I had every intention of going directly to the gym after teaching and getting in my 35 minute run for the day.  However, do you see something missing from my gym bag?

Shirt, Sports bra, Shorts, Socks, Waterbottle, Check!  Shoes?!?  I didn't think running in my flats would go over so well...so I went home.  So, guess what I did?

Treadmill Tuesday in front of the TV while watching Dancing with the Stars!  One of my favorite workouts :)  I used this hills repeat treadmill workout from FitSugar, which was 5 minutes over my goal of 35 minutes (go me!).

When it said 15% incline, I just set the incline to 2.0...that's probably not what is meant by "steep hill outside", but it was my first hill training workout.  Next time, I'll bump it up to 3.0 or 3.5.  We'll see how I'm feeling.

I'm proud of myself for doing the whole 30 minute run without taking a walking break!  My legs are incredibly sore from BodyPUMP yesterday, and during that last 10 minute run, I was seriously considering walking.  But, surprisingly, I kept my legs a-moving and finished it out!  I was dripping sweat and my face was as red as a tomato, but I did it.

Faith Find
Boy, does God work in mysterious ways!  I posted yesterday about praying for others even when they may not be going through something, and I got a sign from God that I was right about that today.

A student of mine came up to me and asked what she missed yesterday.  She was on a field trip, but started telling me about her weekend.  We experience the outskirts of Sandy this weekend, which brought winds that gusted to 40 mph and sustained winds of about 20 mph.  Well, this student had two trees fall in their yard: one on their house, and one cutting their car IN HALF (she showed me a picture, it was crazy!).  So, who knew that even experiencing a small storm in life could cause that much damage.
MORAL OF THE STORY: pray for others all the time, even if they aren't going through anything considered "that big"!

I may have to double post on Thursday since tomorrow will be a very busy day for me with club sponsor obligations.  Have a very Happy Halloween!  Check back tomorrow or Thursday for a festive Halloween-themed trail mix!

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